Articles on: Cost Settings

Calculation settings for Shipping Costs

Calculation Settings

The rules you set in this setting will be applied as the default rules for all orders in your store. By setting up how you want to calculate shipping costs for items/variants or products in an order, the Orders Report will be calculated accurately for the Shipping Cost field.

To open the Calculation settings, click Settings in the top right corner of the Shipping Costs page.

In this page, there are two main settings: Calculation rules in an order and Multiply shipping cost per unit

Calculation rules in an order (for different products)

For orders with different products and variants, it is important to determine how you want to calculate shipping cost on the variant level. In this setting, you can set to use the highest shipping fee of any product/variant or the sum of all products/variants in an order.

For example:

If you select Use the highest shipping fee of any variant, then an order that includes item A and item B - with shipping fees respectively are $3 and $4, the final shipping cost will be $4.
If you select Sum shipping fees of all variant, then an order that includes item A and item B - with shipping fees respectively are $3 and $4, the final shipping cost will be $7.

Calculate multiple items of the same product

In an order, your customer can buy more than one item of a product. Therefore, it is important for you to set whether the shipping costs per unit are multiplied with item quantity in an order or not.

Important note: If you need to set up quantity break for shipping costs, the Multiply shipping cost per unit purchased option must be enabled.

For example:

If you enable this setting, when an order has 2 items/variants of the same product with a shipping fee of $3 per item, the final shipping cost is $6. If not checked, the order's shipping cost is $3.

Example order

To help you visualize this setting better, we've added an example order in this section. When you make a change in the setting, you can see how it will affect the shipping costs calculations in an order. In the example order, you will find these elements:

Product name: There are two product in this order: "Men shoes" and "Leather bag", note that "Men shoes" has two different variants and "Leather bag" has only one default variant.
Quantity: The purchased quantity of each variant.
Shipping cost per unit: How much it cost to ship each variant.
Sum: The total shipping cost of each variant calculated based on your rules.
Final shipping cost: The final shipping cost that will be used to calculated for this order, based on your rules.

Remember to Save your settings before exiting the page.

Updated on: 18/12/2024

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