Articles on: Cost Settings

FAQ: How do I change costs in orders in the past?

All new changes to COGS, shipping and transaction fees will take effect immediately, but they won't affect your previous costs in past orders. Should you want to also update those cost in the past, simply follow this:

Apply new COGS to all orders (past and future)

In Cost settings > COGS, under each product you will find a button called Recalculate Product Profit. First enter the new cost in the COGS field, then click on that button to apply new COGS to all orders involving this product in the past.

If you need to update COGS to all orders in the past, click on Re-calculate Profit at the bottom of the page. This will apply the new COGS to all orders and refresh profit calculation.

Apply new Shipping costs to all orders (past and future)

In Cost settings > Shipping, scroll down and you'll find a button called Recalculate Shipping cost. First enter the new Shipping cost in the fields above, then click on that button to apply new Shipping cost to all related orders in the past. This will refresh profit calculation.

Apply new Transaction fees to all orders (past and future)

In Cost settings > Transaction fees, scroll down and you'll find a button called Recalculate Transaction fees. First enter the new Transaction fees in the fields above, then click on that button to apply new Transaction fees to all related orders in the past. This will refresh profit calculation.

Updated on: 08/01/2024

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