Articles on: Integrations

Integrate Dropshipping Platforms with TrueProfit

Integrating Dropshipping platforms with TrueProfit automates the order data sync progress to ensure correct cost inputs for dropshipping merchants. At the moment TrueProfit supports integration with CJ Dropshipping, with more platforms in our development roadmap.

How integrating with dropshipping platforms impacts your metrics

If your business is a dropshipping merchant, it is important to get the exact costs from the platform you are using for dropshipping. TrueProfit will sync costs such as: COGS of your selling products and Shipping Cost of each fulfilled order.

In TrueProfit, synced costs are prioritized in cost and profit calculations to ensure data accuracy. Therefore, if an order from Shopify matches a dropshipping platform's order, the app will calculate your metrics based on the synced data.

That means, the synced data from dropshipping platforms will be displayed in your Orders Report to accurately reflect the cost value per order for your store. These costs will also affect other metrics on the Dashboard, Product Analytics, and P&L Report. The COGS of each product from its dropshipping platform source will also available as a source in the Cost of Goods setting.

Integrating Dropshipping Platforms with TrueProfit

In the left side menu, click to expand the Integrations section, select Dropshipping Platforms

Currently, TrueProfit supports integration with CJ Dropshipping, with more platforms currently in our roadmap.
To start connecting your CJ Dropshipping account with TrueProfit, click Connect

In the pop up modal, enter the required fields to continue
TrueProfit will start validating the email and API key you entered, if there are no issues, the app will begin syncing order data from the CJ Dropshipping platform

To read more details about integrating CJ Dropshipping with TrueProfit, please read this article.

Requesting other dropshipping platforms

To help make TrueProfit meet your needs in integrating with dropshipping platforms, we've put a request form in the Dropshipping Platform page. You can click on Request a platform to start voting for the platform you are using.

If your dropshipping platform is not available in the list, please select Other and enter the platform name and we'll consider implement it in the future.

Updated on: 17/12/2024

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