Articles on: Cost Settings

How to recalculate past orders for one or multiple products

All the edits you made to a product/variant will be saved and applied to future orders only. If you want to apply new costs to orders in the past as well, you will have to recalculate all past orders in TrueProfit.

Recalculate past orders means applying new changes to all orders that match for all products. If you want to manage different product costs in the past, add COGS periods like the instructions in this article.

How to recalculate past orders for one or multiple products

Step 1: Select the products or variants that you want to recalculate using the checkboxes at the left of the table
Step 2: When a product or variant is selected, you can see the Re-calculate product past orders button shows up at the top of the table
Step 3: Click Re-calculate product past orders to start applying and recalculate COGS for all orders in the past of the selected products/variants

How to recalculate past orders for ALL products in your store

From TrueProfit version 7.1, the Re-calculate all past orders are removed from the COGS settings. Now, to apply your changes in COGS to all orders in the past, you will need to select all products in your store. Here's how:

In the COGS table, select all products on the page

You can see the option to Select all products that match your filter. Make sure you are filtering the correct list of products in your store, then click Select all filtered products to select all products in your store.

Once all filtered products are selected, click Re-calculate product past orders to start applying and recalculate COGS for all orders in the past

Updated on: 23/09/2024

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