Add team members to your stores
To add other team members to your store, make sure you've created an account or logged in to TrueProfit. Here's how to create a new TrueProfit account:
Go to TrueProfit Dashboard
Click on the Account icon in the upper left corner
You can see your current Login info is Shopify store, click Create Account

In the Create Account page, enter your email address and password, click Sign up

Adding a new member to your store
Go to the Manage Stores & Members page from your account menu

Click on Add member

Enter the email address, and assign a role: Admin, Viewer, or Editor, to the new member.

In the Store access section, choose the store(s) that the new member will have access to. Then click Send invite.

The new member will receive an invitation email. Once they accept the invitation from TrueProfit, they will create an account or sign in to TrueProfit to join your store.
Managing Your Account
In the Manage Stores & Members page, you will see all of Your stores and Shared stores. Click on each store to see all members that you invited to to join and their roles.
In the action menu, you can change a member's role by clicking Change role or deleting them from that store.

Updated on: 17/12/2024
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